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StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT

The StoneHead NFTs are generated using 7 trait categories, each containing a different number of traits.
  • 9 hats
  • 8 glasses, or eye accessories
  • 5 unique piercings
  • 3 Smiles
  • 8 mouth acessories
  • 10 different skintones
  • ... and 8 background colors!
These traits are used to randomly generate our collection, with rarer combinations and more common ones. We have one MEGA-RARE trait which is the COVID-19 mask, only worn by 15 associates out of the 10000! To personify our characters, apart from the traits, each StoneHead associate has its own personal name, taken from a list of 10,000 international names. You might even find one with your own!


- StoneHeads - - BlockChain - - Polygon - - NFT - - Crypto - - Mo'ai - - SaveThePlanet - - Unique names - - My w7y 00 @hi&king - - My way of thinking -