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StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT

  • Now Community buildup: Creating an active association hyped for the drop!
  • @0% whitelisted members will be able to mint at 0.01 ETH (instructions in discord); public mint will take place soon after at 0.015ETH
  • @50% we will automatically give-away 1 free NFT to the holders of the ultra-rare masked associates (15/10000)
  • @75% 100 lucky random winners among current owners will receive 1 free StoneHead Associate
  • @100% all StoneHead owners will vote an environmental protection charity that will receive 10% of all earnings!


- StoneHeads - - BlockChain - - Polygon - - NFT - - Crypto - - Mo'ai - - SaveThePlanet - - Unique names - - My w7y 00 @hi&king - - My way of thinking -